Background Info


Know Your Enemy

In any conflict, it is vital to understand your enemy. During the Vietnam War, Gen. Ho Chi Minh was a key figure for the Viet Cong. Visit the sites below to learn about Ho Chi Minh. Specifically look to understand his background, education, political leanings and leadership efforts leading up to the conflict as well as his strategies during the war.  

Cost of the War

There is little doubt that war is costly. Cost, however, can be quantified, paid and justified in different ways. Visit the following sites to learn the costs, economic, be they civil, economic, political or otherwise of the Vietnam War.

Military Strategy

American military strategy received great criticism during the Vietnam War, with contentious secret revelations about the United States' decision-making continuing to appear as the war came to a close.  The sites below offer a variety of perspectives on the US military strategy during Vietnam, addressing its effects on the success or failure of the conflict, public and international opinion, and the wisdom of intervention in general.

The Draft

The conscription of citizens to fight in Vietnam provoked strong opinions and penetrating questions from those in favor as well as those opposed to the draft.  What are the implications of treating civilians as potential soldiers?  Was it right to draft Americans to fight in an increasingly unpopular war?  What are the limits of patriotism?  Visit the sites below to find perspectives on these and other questions.

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