Background Info


Each member of the group will select one of the five presidential advisor roles listed on the Roles page.  

Consult the Rubric so that you understand the evaluation criteria for the project and can create the best podcast or video possible. 

Each member of the group conducts research in order to better understand the Vietnam War from the perspective of whichever presidential advisor he/she has selected.  Refer to the Resources page for links to informative articles and webpages.  Each group member should:

  • examine the effectiveness of the draft
  • define the enemy
  • determine the effectiveness of the military strategy used
  • gain insight into what the military and civilians were willing to sacrifice
  • consider the cost of the war.

Compare the circumstances surrounding the Vietnam War to those surrounding the current situation with Countrystan.  Refer to the Background page for an overview of the situation in Countrystan.  

From your perspective as a presidential advisor, draw conclusions about how the situations are similar and make a list of recommendations to the President on how to handle the situation in Countrystan.  Explain your recommendation using evidence from the Vietnam War.

Share your recommendations with your group.  

As a group, agree on what course of action you will recommend to the President.

As a group, create a 6-10 minute podcast or video in which you share your recommendations with the President.  Support each recommendation with historical facts about the Vietnam War era. 

Edit your podcast or video.

Upload your final product to YouTube or another media-sharing site.

Email your teacher a link to your final product.

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